Below is a compilation of the best treatment centers serving Greece. As an independent resource, we list each center that matches our luxury criteria, ensuring that those looking for drug and alcohol rehabilitation as well as mental health and wellness retreats have all their options listed at once in one place.
Hellenic Practice
Athens, Greece
The Hellenic Practice is committed to providing exceptional results, their team of health care professionals hold many years of experience, they are well-trained and offer multi-disciplinary skills that will help you to construct a customized treatment plan that is designed to meet your requirements.
Go Green Project X
Athens, Greece
At The Cannabis Project they help clients heal and recreate their lives with a holistic approach. They offer clinically sophisticated addiction detox & inpatient treatment utilizing medical Cannabis. Their treatment plans for clients are individualized and include detox, medical care, mindfulness, outdoor activities and so more!
Marieva's Healthcare
Athens, Greece
Marievas healthcare was created with much love and compassion to treat and release individuals from their daily battle with addictions and other mental health related issues. Their team consists of highly educated professionals specialized in the fields of pharmacology, psychology, psychiatry and nursing.
Harmony Place
Athens, Greece
The retreat health centre offers tailored wellness programs in a serene environment. Their experienced team provides holistic therapies, yoga, and nutrition advice. The centre promotes a balanced life, not just symptom relief, and encourages visitors to prioritize health.